Cookies N Cream
Last week the slightly frozen ground was dusted with a light coating of snow resembling cookies and cream! This was just the recipe we needed for installing drainage tile. Each winter we install hundreds of thousands of feet of tile in the fields we farm. Tiling is a vital part of our land stewardship plan for our farms.
According to Don Hofstrand, a retired extension value added agricultural specialist from Iowa State University, in an article he wrote entitled "Understanding the Economics of Drainage," 10 advantages of installing drainage tile include:
1. More consistent yields.
2. Earlier and more timely planting.
3. Improved harvesting conditions.
4. Less wear and tear on equipment.
5. Less power required for field operations.
6. Better plant stand
7. Less plant stress.
8. Fewer plant diseases.
9. Less soil compaction.
10. Increase sale value of the land.

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Assignment Writing Help (Thursday, 18 January 2018 04:43)
The main contrast is the brand that delivers the treats. They're both sandwich treats, yet in the event that it's marked as Oreo, it will be made by the Oreo organization. On the off chance that it's simply treats and cream, it would be an alternate brand other than Oreo that is making the treats.