Posts tagged with "kids"

26. May 2016
Did I mention yesterday that it was summer break? Well, that is not completely true. Two of our four (now five kids, since we are hosting an exchange student:) kids are still in school for one more day. Today is what is traditionally known as Fun Day in our small grade school. It is also called Awards Day or Field Day and the high schoolers call it FINALS! For, what we will call Awards Day, our grade school kids raised a slew of money for a charity. They were promised that the principal and the...
25. May 2016
Summer break is upon us. This year it coincides with the tail end of planting and the heart of spray and side dressing season. Summer break means alot of different things to alot of different kiddos, but to our kiddos it means you get to spend time with Dad, Grandpa, Mom, Grandma, Aunts, Uncles and our beloved employees (Sam, Jace loves you!) Though we all love our kids to hang with us at work, we have lots of motivation ourselves besides we just love to have our kids out here on the farm with...